Personal User License 


Purchase a personal user license for lifetime use of this resource! Includes STAAR test prep resources only. This is for individual teachers purchasing for individual classroom use and homeschooling families.


Purchasing Info

What you really want.

Your students are in good hands with Science Penguin materials.

We know the challenge of keeping fifth graders excited about learning while also preparing them to conquer Science STAAR. With this resource, you will find that sweet spot of balance as you engage your students in meaningful, TEKS-aligned learning.


Teacher Reference Guide

Discover the most important things students should know about each testable Student Expectation.

Boom Interactive Cards

Let's practice 100 hot spot, drag and drop, short constructed response, multi-select, and multipart questions.

10 Days to Science STAAR

Warm up every day for 10 days in Google Forms. There are 100 total questions.

SCR Prep

To prepare for this item type, we offer this set of 30 Short Constructed Response (SCR) questions in Google Forms and SCR Detectives Slideshow Lessons.

Test Prep Task Cards

Play games and review with our rigorous test prep task cards.

Science STAAR Study Guide

This file includes 59 pages of review for all 30 testable SEs. Available in Google Classroom or printable booklet.

Super STAAR Activity Board

This file contains an activity board with 9 station activities.


Use the printable worksheets to quickly differentiate your review based on student data!

Vocabulary Task Cards and Sorts

Ensure students remember those important terms!

Purchasing, Simplified.


Use a credit card for immediate access. We do not take POs for this licensing type.

5th Grade STAAR Bundle

1 payment of $169.95

  • Science STAAR Teacher Reference Guide
  • Interactive Boom Cards
  • Science STAAR Study Guide
  • Test Prep Task Cards (Printable and Google Forms)
  • Sorting Relays
  • Vocabulary Task Cards
  • Super STAAR Activity Board Stations
  • SCR Practice
  • Science STAAR Study Folder
  • Lockboxes
Learn About Our School Subscription Option

Teachers Love The Science Penguin!

Stacey P.

"This is a must have for science teachers. I cannot tell you the number of ways that I have used this resource! Assessment, review, games, practice, early finishers! This has to be my favorite Science Penguin product I purchased!"

Tami M.

"Science Penguin resources are quality resources that focus on the TEKS and concepts that students need to know to not only pass STAAR, but be as prepared for middle school as possible. All of this is SO helpful and allows me to just plug in the activities my students need, when they need them."

Cherish L.

This bundle was excellent at helping prepare my 5th graders for the STAAR test. I enjoyed how organized this resource is and easy to implement."


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